§ 17.17.110. Design review committee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    There is created a design review committee which shall review drawings and report to the community redevelopment agency when prescribed in this chapter. The design review committee shall consist of six members: the director of planning, the director of public works, the city manager or his designee, a member of the city beautification committee, and two members of the Chamber of Commerce to represent the central business district. The committee may also include a nonvoting design professional who may be an architect, landscape architect or be in a related design profession. Said design professional may or may not be a resident of the city, to serve in an advisory capacity. In the event the committee is required to review drawings for a project in which one of its members or its advisor has a business or a professional interest, it shall seek the advice of a disinterested architect or design professional.


    The design review committee shall hold one regular meeting each month at a time and day to be designated by the committee, except that a meeting may be cancelled if no drawings in conformity with the other requirements of the zoning ordinance have been submitted for review. Determinations and reports of the committee shall have the concurrence of at least three members. The director of planning shall serve as secretary to the committee. Additional meetings may be called at the direction of the city manager and upon giving a seventy-two hour notification to all members.

(Ord. 886A § 1, 1987; Ord. 886 § 1 (part), 1987)