§ 17.17.100. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In order to prevent the erection of structures or signs which would be inharmonious with their surroundings or would have an adverse effect on the value of property or improvements in the city, uses, structures and certain signs in the central business district, shall be subject to architectural review by the design review committee (DRC). The ugly, the inharmonious, the monotonous and the hazardous shall be barred, but originality in architecture, site planning, and landscape and graphic design shall not be suppressed.


    Review shall include exterior design, materials, textures and colors but shall not consider elements of the design that do not affect exterior appearance. In reviewing proposals for development in commercial and industrial zoning districts which have an established historical character, the design review committee shall recommend disapproval of drawings for a structure or a sign which would be inharmonious with surrounding development, but the committee may require that new structures contain an historic architectural style as a condition of approval. The design review committee shall use the Calexico Downtown Design and Implementation Program guideline during its review process.

(Ord. 886 § 1 (part), 1987)